Healthy & Eco-Friendly Living on a Budget
Sustainability can be accessible for everyone if you use the tips from this episode of Making it Count! Featuring Rayniah Jones and returning expert Valerie Moses, you’ll learn how to eat healthy and be kinder to the environment without breaking the bank.
Learn How to Budget Money in College (So You Don't Eat Ramen Every Night)
Learning how to budget money in college is an essential life skill. If you learn how to budget while you’re still a young adult, you’ll carry the skill – and the lessons that go along with it – with you for your entire life.
First Time Credit Cards for College Students: What to Know
Applying for your first credit card is a milestone. Knowing about the risks, responsibilities, and benefits of having a credit card will ensure that you use it properly and build a solid credit history for the future.
High School and College Graduation Preparation Checklist
Use this printable worksheet to plan for financial, social and school or work achievements as you prepare for your upcoming high school or college graduation.